marți, 2 octombrie 2012

Mother' s Dear Babies - Fates

Versiunea în Limba Română AICI.

It is believed that in the third night after birth come the Fates. The biggest is Fate, which spins the thread of life; the middle is Destiny, who tells the adventures of newborn; the third is Death, who cuts the thread of life. 
Table for Fates was placed in front of the window, for feasting the Fates.  In that night they consult witch gift will endow the child. Around the table are three chairs to rest the fairies that spun the thread of life, to placate them.  
On the table people put water or wine, bread or round breads, the cake of Fates (unleavened bread with a little salt on it), and flour, grains, three coins, sugar, honey, garlic, salt, a bundle of wool, scissors, pliers, hammer, beads, candle.

Sequence from the temporary exhibition Mother' s Dear Babies  (Ethnographic and Folk Art Museum Tulcea)

Sequence from the temporary exhibition Mother' s Dear Babies  (Ethnographic and Folk Art Museum Tulcea)

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